To avoid stopping your account, follow the following conditions: 1. A decent selection-a user name 2. Do not write the phone number in a not allotted place 3. Do not write your email in not assigned place 4. Do not send your phone number to the other party without prior agreement with the other party 5. Do not send an email to the other party without prior agreement with the other party 6. Do not send other means of communication, Skype, Facebook, Technorati for the other party without prior agreement with the other party 7. Do not send hurtful sentences to the other party 8. We will block any profile that includes a personal description, own description or partner description, without meaning or without connection with the desired goal. Be serious and fill correctly the descriptions fields to avoid the rejection.9. If you use a blacklisted or untrusted internet connection your account will be automatically banned, check your connection on this link Check My Connection
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